Requesting Feedback: Documenting OpenRefine Community Handbooks

The Barcamp and survey significantly shifted my focus over the last three months. I am planning to resume my work on this project in August.

Here is an update on my progress. I used the

  • :white_check_mark: to indicate completed items;
  • :stop_sign: where no progress has been made;
  • :construction: for work in progress.

My updates are in italics.

July 25 progress

I plan to deploy the three playbooks in five phases.

1. Quick wins (March and April): I will draft PRs and submit them for review for the following section:

:construction: 2. Clarify OpenRefine Mission, Vision, and Value (April to June) See Working with Bocoup to Clarify OpenRefine Mission, Vision, and Values and Feedback Request on OpenRefine's Draft Vision, Mission, Values. We should have results by end of August.

3. Based on the new mission and vision (Summer 2024)

I didn't start the following yet:

  • :stop_sign: 4. Update or create the contributor guide
  • :stop_sign: 5. I complete the operation manual separately
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