Adding a Design category

I agree the current structure probably needs a review. The original intent of the "Using this forum" was to provide a place where newcomers to the forum could find all the key information. However I don't think it's worked so well. Then About the Using this forum category - #2 by antonin_d led to a change in definition of the category which means it now completely overlaps Community Feedback - OpenRefine. (If I'd caught that change at the time I would probably have pushed back but I missed it)

Anyway, I'd be very happy to see a simplification of the forum category structure :slight_smile:

I think I like your Option 1 more than 2 - it may be worth us also asking in the Developer category for feedback (we want to welcome designers but not offend developers!)

I think for the internships we could have a general category, but I think we also need something specific for the various schemes as I know from experience people come looking for very specific things - a potential Outreachy candidate may not always look unless it says Outreachy

But overall - yes we can definitely improve, and ultimately if having a new category is necessary we should do it, but we should make sure it is the right choice