Drafting the 2024 User Survey

I am finally returning to the survey after the Barcamp took up some of my focus in the last two months.

Here is an updated and hopefully final version based on the feedback from calls, comments in the Google Doc, and this forum. This version emphasizes feature requests rather than current usage, and the second section is now shorter, focusing on general workflow instead of individual features.

The Allourideas platform is seeded with the following options.

@Ashley_Goldstein plans to add a section for collecting feedback on the latest draft of the mission and vision as outlined in Feedback Request on OpenRefine's Draft Vision, Mission, Values.

You can view screenshots of the final version via Google Drive. Select the comment icon (at the top right of the screen) to highlight a section of the image and leave a comment,


My goal is to start distributing it by August 1st, 2024.