How can I export a project after transformations in the current version 3.8.7 using the Python API? It works up to version 3.7.9, however after that, it creates an issue

"" Error 500 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

HTTP ERROR 500 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

CAUSED BY:java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

Caused by:

Hi @MadhavDukka77 and welcome.

I think more information is needed for the community to help you with this.

  • Can you give any more information about exactly what you are trying to do?
  • What API you are using?
  • When you say "Python API" do you mean one of the Python libraries designed to interact with the OpenRefine API listed on Extensions | OpenRefine - and if so, which one?
  • What transformations you are applying?

The more information you can provide the more likely it is that someone will be able to work out what is going wrong.

It probably is worth mentioning that if you are using one of the Python libraries such as the openrefine-client, these are third party libraries and are not directly supported by the main OpenRefine project, so it is the case that they may not support the latest version of OpenRefine - we try to keep this information up to date on this page Extensions | OpenRefine