Is there an existing fixture or testing project within Cypress e2e framework that contains hierarchical data that responds well to records mode? I've found this jsonValue
data in (
](OpenRefine/main/tests/cypress/cypress/e2e/project/grid/viewpanel-header/ at 62b0e69a2c216e5e1d11e222826123b0b4a4d3c9 · OpenRefine/OpenRefine · GitHub). But nothing accessible from other test files.
Is there an existing fixture or testing project within Cypress e2e framework that contains hierarchical data that responds well to records mode? I've found this
data in (
](OpenRefine/main/tests/cypress/cypress/e2e/project/grid/viewpanel-header/ at 62b0e69a2c216e5e1d11e222826123b0b4a4d3c9 · OpenRefine/OpenRefine · GitHub). But nothing accessible from other test files.
I don't see anything at a glance. One approach might be to refactor that test and split out a record/row test fixture to main/tests/cypress/cypress/fixtures so that you can reuse it in other contexts.
I like that idea. What's the procedure for this kind of change? Should I make an issue on GitHub or just submit a PR?
It's always nice to have an issue first that describes the problem well for its intended audience (developers or users). Our which has links especially Code contributions | OpenRefine (you have read it recently, Yes?) also details some of the expectations.
Here's the corresponding issue on GitHub: Fixture for e2e testing against records mode in Cypress · Issue #6584 · OpenRefine/OpenRefine · GitHub
Thanks for creating the issue. While what Thad says about us preferring the PRs have a corresponding issue (because issues are how we track most things), in this case I think we would have been fine to include a minor refactoring like this with the PR that needed. Not a big deal either way.
@steve DONE!