SSL certificate bypass

I came across this message " PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target" when I tried to "reconcile" with wikidata, and it seems to have something to do with SSL checks. Does anyone know about this error? Anyway I can bypass it? if I have to work on some certificate files, where can I find some detailed instruction? I don't have any coding/computer science background (I'm a business major), so I'd appreciate any details provided. Thank you!

We have a search field in our docs in the upper right of the site. I typed in “certificate” and the results gave me this link Column editing | OpenRefine

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Thank you. It was very challenging but I was able to carry out what was described in the instructions. However, I am still getting the same message and I'm scratching my head what went wrong. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Hi @elainetai I've never seen this issue with the Reconciliation process (I have seen it with some other functions in OpenRefine but not reconciliation).

Can you provide a little more information?

  • Which version of OpenRefine are you using?
  • What operating system (Windows, macOS etc) are you using?
  • Can you give an example of a piece of data you are trying to reconcile and which reconciliation service you pick in the reconciliation window?
  • When and where in the process do you see the error message " PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The more information you can provide the better chance we will have at understanding the problem

