Do we still save images during Cypress tests on CI?

I see these errors about

javax.imageio.IIOException: I/O error writing PNG file!
	at java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.plugins.png.PNGImageWriter.write(

during CI Cypress tests, such as:

Wondering also if we need to add videoCompression: false to our Cypress config, unless we're not saving videos?

I see these errors about

javax.imageio.IIOException: I/O error writing PNG file!
	at java.desktop/com.sun.imageio.plugins.png.PNGImageWriter.write(

during CI Cypress tests, ...

If you look further down the stack trace, you'll see that they're from the GetScatterplot command caused by a broken pipe. I suspect that they're from a race or unclean test shutdown. The noise is distracting, but I don't think they represent an actual problem.


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