Errors: Length of parsed input (32769) exceeds the maximum number of characters defined in your parser settings (32768)

I am observing this error since OpenRefine 3.8.1 for large CSV file with more than 32 columns and around 10K rows (for example any 100K dataset you may download from OpenAlex to reproduce this error).

This error from OpenRefine 3.9.1:

Interestingly, the same dataset is opening in OpenRefine version 3.6.2 without any issue.

How to get rid of this CsvParserSettings error?


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I think we have an issue for this already. The setting is hardcoded but in the issue we said we might make this configurable. The change happened from earlier OpenRefine version that had a dependency change in the CSV library.

@Rory we might prioritize that issue since a few folks have run into this.

Thad Guidry

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I think @Rory is on a break this week so I'll try to get that done in 3.9.2.

I released 3.9.2 today with an increased limit.
The proper solution would likely be to let the user configure this limit:

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:clap: :clap: :clap: Thank you very much!