Help with setting up OpenRefine as a webapp on an Ubuntu server


I'm a relative newbie with Ubuntu. I want to set up an instance of OpenRefine that researchers can access on an Ubuntu server (20.04.6 LTS) that uses Apache. Following Felix Lohmeier's instructions (How To Install OpenRefine on a web server with Ubuntu 22.04 · GitHub), I've set up OpenRefine in /opt, created a Location in my apache configuration file and created a service.

I did NOT follow his instructions re: iptables because there are many webapps on the server and I didn't want to affect them.

I also have not allocated more memory, per OpenRefine's suggestions and Lohmeier's.

With that said, when I spin up the service, I see this:

In my console in Chrome, it appears that openrefine uses the root url on the server to look for files, rather than going into the OpenRefine file system:
e.g., https://myserverurl/wirings.js/ rather than finding wirings.js in the OpenRefine folders.

Could someone point me in the proper direction? Thanks.