I started working on a schema and after closing OR and opening it again I can't save new changes to the schema

  1. When opening the project:

  2. I enter the VIAF ID (step 85)

  3. When I close and open the OR (go back to step 84)

I thought the problem was that I had renamed a column (step 83), but when I undo it the following error message appears

I was unable to locate the file "1702328193648.change.zip" in the indicated path

Did you change a column name? If so, that creates problems sometimes…
I don't think this is the case now, but those kind of problem happen to me.

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Yes, in step 83 I renamed a column, I got the impression that after that the problem appeared. Problems saving projects can be demotivating, as they can compromise hours of work.

If that renamed column is used in the schema, it will no longer work, you have to remove it, and then put it back.

Problems are not only demotivating, but they make you hate the software, and doubt about it.

This is something I want to work on, as I'm mainly a user.

Regards, Antoine

That error message is an indication that the project data is corrupt and should never happen.

Lucas - if your project isn't sensitive and you're willing to share it with me, I'm happy to have a look and see if it's recoverable.

Antoine - please create a Github issue describing how to reproduce your column renaming project corruption bug. That's not at all familiar to me.


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Tom I share the project here. Strangely, in some of my attempts I managed to save step 85 (add VIAF ID). I don't know why it saved and I can't save new edits.

Compositores---Musica-Braslis.openrefine.tar.gz (123,6,KB)

@tfmorris I can't create a GH issue without searching… I really don't like that.

Current project:


Rename column:


Try to save schema:


Notice how the name of the column, from Img_Nom to Img_Nom_Renommee wasn't updated.
And you get the error, only if you have a change in your schema. Otherwise, the button makes you believe it was saved and good.

The button should be inactive when you can't save. There is an UI issue here also.

Regards, Antoine

| Lucas.Belo
December 12 |

  • | - |

Tom I share the project here. Strangely, in some of my attempts I managed to save step 85 (add VIAF ID). I don't know why it saved and I can't save new edits.

Compositores---Musica-Braslis.openrefine.tar.gz (123,6,KB)

Thanks. I had a look at the project and it is definitely corrupt. I started to fix it by hand, which I think should be possible, but got interrupted. I'll take another crack at it and see if I can salvage it.



@tfmorris, thank you very much for your help, but as I had a deadline to deliver the project I used other resources to redo it. What concerns me now is whether this could happen again in the future and how can it be avoided?


  1. It would be useful to know which OpenRefine version you used?

  2. As well as knowing if by "closing OR" you meant that you simply closed the browser or also closed its Terminal window (where the logs typically show) by clicking on the Windows close X button on the Terminal, rather than using Ctrl-C when clicked on the terminal?

@tfmorris, thank you very much for your help, but as I had a deadline to deliver the project I used other resources to redo it. What concerns me now is whether this could happen again in the future and how can it be avoided?

Hi Lucas. Happy New Year. Sorry we weren't able to help in time! Additional information from you might help us better understand the root cause:

  • What version of OpenRefine were you using?
  • What operating system?
  • Did you do anything with the Undo/Redo history? If so, do you remember what steps you took?

The detailed operation info for two of the operations in the history was missing (Save Schema & Rename column), but there also seemed to be a bunch of leftover operations which were no longer included in the history. Your Undo history lists 85 operations, but there are 99 change sets in the project directory. We don't currently have good tooling for investigating this type of issue, but if I get a chance to build some, I'll try to look into it further.

In the meantime, any additional information that you could offer would be helpful.


Hie @thadguidry,

  1. I am using version 3.7.7
  2. I closed the browser and terminal completely

Hi @tfmorris, Happy New Year!

  1. I am using version 3.7.7
  2. W11
  3. I don't remember using undo/redo history, but maybe I did, this is common when using OR. I remember that after renaming the column I started having problems

I created a project to try to reproduce the error. The image shows the history of what I did. Then I went to "edit Wikibase Schema" and edited the schema, then clicked on "Save schema".

After closing OR (browser and terminal) the project disappears. I played it twice and the same thing happens. I noticed that if the schema is saved after the second step in the history only the schema will not be saved (if you redo the schema in the project it may be saved)

  1. I am using OR version 3.7.7
  2. W11