I wanted to share here my notes from my call with @thadguidry and @Antoine2711 on October 2nd, 2024, as part of the community meetup call. Of the three calls scheduled, this was the only one with participants.
During the call, the discussion was mainly between @thadguidry and @Martin and focused on
1) The core developer group. @thadguidry presented a different perspective on the structure of the committer group (or core dev group) to limit its constituancy to one developer and a backup person. These are currently @antonin_d and @tfmorris. The group would keep the same responsibilities as those described in the draft governance.
Anyone in the community is free to comment on pull requests. @thadguidry suggested not providing clear guidelines on how to join this group and leaving it at the discretion of current group members. @Martin argued that this process is not transparent and potentially discourages potential contributors from getting involved. We would love to have other developers' perspectives on these points.
2) The draft governance document could better represent the relationship and dynamic between the different groups in a couple of sentences, similar to what Inskape does on its teams presentation page.
3) the structure of the community page on the website. The page currently mixes community aspects (getting support, contacting the project) and contributing. The recommendation is to split the content into two pages. Links for contributors should have a more explicit anchor to indicate they are redirected to the contributor guide.
We also made minor edits and suggestions directly in the Google Document.