September 12, 2024, Advisory Committee only


  • Antonin Delpeuch - Advisory Committee
  • Jan Ainali - Advisory Committee
  • Martin Magdinier - Project Manager


Developer Hiring Process

Related discussion Seeking Input on New Developer Role for OpenRefine. This is also related to the governance changes Improving Transparency: Advisory Committee's Role and Community Involvement - #29 by tfmorris. Having both governance and hiring discussions at the same time is an opportunity. It provides a concrete use case for discussing the governance process.

The community should agree on the scope of tasks for the role.

Next steps

  • Antonin will reach out to other developers to seek their feedback.
  • Jan suggested using the lazy consent approach to validate the project needs for this role.
  • Once we have the buy-in from the community, we can create a Working Group for the hiring process.


Antonin and Martin do not hold weekly calls with them. WMSE prepared a roadmap for the Commons Extension. They did a great job on the prioritization and start of implementation of more fixes after the support for large uploads. We hope they share their prioritization table in public soon. Questions to be discussed with WMSE:

  • How do we share the roadmap? As a forum thread, Github roadmap? Challenge for WMSE to put it in Github - but is it really useful? As long as the roadmap is shared publicly, it’s fine, it does not need to be transferred on GitHub.
  • Do we need to assign issues in Git Hub to WMSE?

Other items

Martin will resume scheduling regular community calls.

We are not moving forward with Vivra's (former Bocoup) proposal to update the governance.