I would love to move towards more openness in the Advisory Committee, and am very happy that the work with Vision, Mission and Values is giving a good foundation for that.
I would also love to clarify the Governance document in itself because right now it is possible to read it with too wide interpretations. Specifically, I am reading the second point as it is the role of the AC to guide the staff in all manners, not only administrative ones. This also makes sense as it is tightly connected to being the ones having to approve hiring them (point 3) or fire them if needed (point 4). Even if interpreted in a narrow way, ensuring that the staff is doing at least what is needed for the contracts they have and the tasks they have been assigned through grant agreements will naturally span over a wide variety of topics.
And however wide or narrow the responsibilities for the AC are clarified to include, the way we work can be made more open, only very few topics are usually needing privacy for legal or other ethical reasons and those could be handled separately. Let's move in that direction!