Hi all,
As part of my work on improving the usability of the Extract / Apply feature of OpenRefine's history tab, I am looking for examples of operation scripts (in JSON) that people are already using / sharing. I call those "recipes" (we should also have a broader discussion about whether we want to adopt this terminology in the tool itself). I am looking for literally any sort of example:
- a recipe you saved somewhere because you want to reuse it from time to time, or
- something that was published in a tutorial / a research article / anything else, or
- the history of some random OpenRefine project you just did, which isn't necessarily meant to be reusable in other contexts.
Here are some examples I already know of, found by a combination of various methods:
- OpenRefine recipe to parse Apache log · GitHub
- Automate GND reconciliation for OpenRefine · GitHub
- CyclingTweets · GitHub
- Importing the Beeradvocate dataset · GitHub
- Match in GREL · GitHub
- OpenRefine script for cleaning Crowdtangle historical data CSV · GitHub
- Use this JSON command in OpenRefine to change (most) MARC language codes to (most) IETF language tags. Make sure you change the column name before use. · GitHub
- bibliotheks-und-archivinformatik/openrefine-powerhouse.json at b67567f43e028657858237020d8b352ec2358621 - bibliotheks-und-archivinformatik - OCC Code
- seminar-wir-bauen-uns-einen-bibliothekskatalog/07_3.json at 3dad4a3390f18ff7cfab6bf6a7e0644df4b3270c - seminar-wir-bauen-uns-einen-bibliothekskatalog - OCC Code
- Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Tutorials/Working with APIs - Wikidata
- Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Tutorials/Inverse Listeria - Wikidata
- https://punktokomo.abes.fr/2016/09/23/openrefine-au-service-de-bacon-quelle-evaluation-pour-les-fichiers-kbart-3-cas-pratique/
- Mileapp Cleansing | PDF
- 오픈리파인에서 구우편번호를 새우편번호로 통합하기 - W3LabKr
Feel free to point me to more of them!
I will go through this list and evaluate the UX of applying those recipes, checking that they are properly rendered and that the column names used in the scripts are correctly detected.