@Sunil_Natraj has been involved in the project for a few months and has opened in that time about a dozen PRs.
While making those contributions, they have spent a significant effort addressing review feedback, showing a remarkable dedication to getting their work published.
I also note their recent shift to addressing issues that have been identified as high priority for the Wikimedia Commons integration, notably:
I think this is really valuable work, and incidentally also shows the value of doing such prioritization work and publishing its results.
I would like to invite them to the GitHub organization, letting them label issues, run the CI pipeline on their PRs automatically, and also review other pull requests. I used to do add people to the GitHub organization on my own initiative, but since the governance of the project is currently being reworked, I think it's worth discussing this here and agree on a way forward.
I would like to invite them to the GitHub organization, letting them label issues, run the CI pipeline on their PRs automatically, and also review other pull requests.
I do, however, think that discussions around nominations to the Github org should happen on Github as there are notable contributors which aren't on the forum.
I do, however, think that discussions around nominations to the Github org should happen on Github as there are notable contributors which aren't on the forum.
When the dev list was closed, this forum/list was given as the alternative, so anyone who's interested should be subscribed. Who are the notable contributors who aren't subscribed?
I'm OK with switching to a different communication channel if there's strong support for it, but I'd like to have just one channel that needs to be monitored (and hopefully minimize the churn in choosing new channels).
There is no churn or new channel. This forum remains the primary way of development communication. Cross posting to an issue or PR is an optional expansion that sometimes is OK to raise further awareness on a topic. Are you ok with that form of cross posting when it makes sense?
I think a new channel would have the same problem as this one. I actually think it's would be completely okay to use Github issues to ether nominate or self-nominate people over at the main repository which would also ensure that people watching it would get a notification. If someone don't think the issue tracker should be used that way maybe an additional repository or Github discussions?