The next contributor hang-out is coming up! As a reminder, this is a space to share what you are working on, struggling with, wondering about - all welcome! It will be:
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
Since this meeting is getting more popular, I have increased the frequency to every two weeks, alternating between the current time and 07:00 UTC, so that people from other time zones can attend more easily.
Hmm, for some reason the ICS file does not reflect as a series every two weeks? Can you check that? In the ICS file, I see this: RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;WKST=SU;INTERVAL=4
Yes, in the calendar this is encoded as two series of meetings, both with a 4 week frequency, but the second series being offset so that it starts two weeks later than the first one.
So far those meetings have happened without a planned agenda, but we could also try announcing a bit more in advance what we are interested in sharing.
This time I am hoping to give a demo of my work on partial change data serialization, showing how we can start judging reconciliation candidates before a reconciliation operation completes. There is still a lot of work to get something polished but the basic principle is getting there.