Hi all!
The next contributor hang-out is coming up! As a reminder, this is a space to share what you are working on, struggling with, wondering about - all welcome! It will be:
On: 2023-06-23T06:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-06-23 at 06:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
See you there,
P.S. I am considering adding subsequent meetings in this thread (instead of creating a new topic for each meeting), let me know if that works for you!
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Sorry cannot make it this time. Strained my eyes over 3 days with 16 hour days last few days and tore retina slightly in right eye, Recovering in hospital after surgery, so far so good. But bored as hell so keeping up on cell phone.
Take breaks, rest your eyes, go outside see long distances, every few hours. Iām in here with 3 other heavy computer users.
Oh no! I hope you recover quickly. I had no idea that sort of accident was a thing, thanks for the warning!
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The next contributor hang-out is coming up tomorrow according to the calendar. Is anyone planning to attend and would be willing to take on the facilitator hat? This time it's my turn to be unavailable for personal reasons.
It would normally take place:
On: 2023-07-04T14:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-07-04 at 14:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
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It's s public holiday in the US, so you're unlikely to have much participation here.
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Thanks for pointing that out! I end up being available actually, so I'll just hold the space for the sake of continuity.
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The next contributor hang-out is coming up! As a reminder, this is a space to share what you are working on, struggling with, wondering about - all welcome! It will be:
On: 2023-07-21T06:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-07-23 at 06:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
The next contributor hang-out is coming up again! As a reminder, this is a space to share what you are working on, struggling with, wondering about - all welcome! It will be:
On: 2023-08-01T14:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-08-01 at 14:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
After a break let's resume this meetup! We have another event coming up:
On: 2023-09-15T06:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-09-15 at 06:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
@Ayushi_Rai and I will likely do some co-working on reconciliation there, but we can also make space for other topics.
I think there is some mistake in the date of the event.
Good catch! That was a hasty copy and paste. It is on 2023-09-15T06:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-09-15 at 06:00 UTC). I have edited the previous post too.
We have another contributors meetup coming up in about 15 minutes, which I forgot to announce, sorry about that.
On: 2023-09-26T14:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-09-26 at 14:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
@anasadelopo if you want to get some help with your first contribution, feel free to drop in!
I'm so sorry I missed out I got the mail late. I hope to be able to join the next one.
Do well to keep in touch.
Another contributors meetup is coming up! It will be a day earlier than usual because I cannot make it on Friday.
On: 2023-10-12T06:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-10-12 at 06:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
Another contributors meetup is coming up! @Ayushi_Rai and I will likely do some working on reconciliation there but feel free to come with any other topics or questions.
On: 2023-10-24T14:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-10-24 at 14:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
We are doing it again! @Ayushi_Rai and I will likely work on reconciliation again but feel free to come with any other topics or questions.
On: 2023-11-10T07:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-11-10 at 07:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
It's happening this week again. Feel free to join to discuss anything OpenRefine!
On: 2023-12-08T07:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-12-08 at 07:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
Next week we'll have another meetup, but note that it will be a day earlier than usual (for me it's on Monday instead of Tuesday):
On: 2023-12-18T15:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2023-12-18 at 15:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar, which I updated to reflect the different day.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
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New year, new contributor's meetup
Feel free to join to discuss anything OpenRefine!
On: 2024-01-05T07:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-01-05 at 07:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.
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Our next meetup is coming up:
On: 2024-01-16T15:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-01-16 at 15:00 UTC)
At https://meet.greenhost.net/OpenRefine-contributors-meetup
Reminder: you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the
link to the call) in this calendar.
You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.