Organizing an OpenRefine BarCamp

As we are now just one month away from the first OpenRefine BarCamp, we would like to provide an update regarding registration and session planning.


We currently have 16 people registered to attend in person and 11 online participants. You can view the list of registered participants on the BarCamp site.

Please do not wait to register, whether you are planning to attend in person or online. It will help us greatly with our preparations.

If you seek financial support to attend in person in Berlin and still need to register, please do so before Monday, May 20th . We will still accept registrations after that date, but we won't be able to guarantee financial support.

Session Submission:

So far, we have received seven session submissions on the Barcamp portal and have a few spots left for session proposals.

We will run a single-track event so everyone can attend all sessions. If you have a session idea but are not ready to facilitate it, please indicate it in your submission; we have volunteers ready to step in.

We expect a two-hour session with Bocoup to present their draft mission and vision statement. They will share the details by the end of the month.

For those who register on the BarCamp platform, you can vote and comment on the proposed sessions.

Looking forward to seeing you at the BarCamp!