Proposed Workflows for Design contributions and Collaboration

Very nice! Thank you for this impressing work!

I'm glad to see that some of the proposed measures have some overlap with some discussions we have been having recently:

It is also very useful to see which aspects of the project were hindering @Lydiaofficial's contributions in the contribution phase.

Unsurprisingly, quite a few of these hurdles seem to be linked to the social structure of the project (for instance, the development team not being subordinated to an executive body which tells developers what to implement - which reduces designers' visibility about where the project is heading).

One factor that would be interesting to add to the reflection is: which sorts of personas of designers could be interested in contributing to the project, and what do we need to do to help them? Are there particular personas we should support more? I am thinking about factors such as:

  • are they OpenRefine users themselves?
  • are they volunteers, hired contractors, Outreachy applicants, students…? If hired, by the OpenRefine project itself or by some other organization (for instance a partner institution developing integration between OpenRefine and a platform of theirs)?
  • do they have formal training in design? Have they got access to specific tools (Adobe Xd, Figma…)?
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