Hello guys,
I need help to clean my data.
I would to transpose Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, and Disney+ to two columns “Platform” and “Value” and keep the other informations about the movie. So i expect my data to be 4 times the original data.
Let me know if I am not clear please.
Thanks a lot
Welcome Amine!
On Disney+ column (your first column you wish to pivot/transpose) choose Transpose - > Transpose cells across columns into rows…
The From and To column selections should start and end with the columns you wish to transpose into Key/Values. In your case, From Column starts with Disney+ and To Column would be just (last column).
Since you want essentially a key/value with labels of “Platform” and “Value” just enter “Platform” in the box for Key Column and “Value” into the Value Column box.
Also. since you asked to keep the other Columns values as is and would like record expansion, then make sure to check the box for Fill down in other columns
Click Transpose in the lower right of the dialog box to transpose all the columns in the selected range of From/To columns into Key/Value columns.
If the Keys are not the columns you actually wanted (like missing IMDb, etc.) … you likely need to UNDO and start over and move columns left or right into positions where you can select a nice range for Transpose’s From Column and To Column for the columns you want Transpose to work across.