I know it’s possible to add columns from reconciled values, but I was hoping to return the different language values.
Is this possible?
I know it’s possible to add columns from reconciled values, but I was hoping to return the different language values.
Is this possible?
Yes, language labels can be retrieved depending on the reconcile service you are using and what it offers.
I am assuming here you are asking about the Wikidata reconcile service provided at
OpenRefine-Wikidata interface (reconci.link) ?
If using the Wikidata reconcile service, you can add an extra column per language you are interested in using the Property path (which will call SPARQL query to retrieve the label in language you desire) as we have documented in the Wikibase extension documentation here:
Reconciling with Wikibase | OpenRefine
to get the label in language cdo
Unfortunately, I don’t think there is an Lall
to generate a SPARQL query to gather all available language labels for an entity and drop them into a column as a record.
But I could be wrong?
@antonin_d do you know if that’s possible?
Thank you, this is fantastic!
I didn’t know about the SPARQL path reconciliation. That’s super helpful.