August 22, 2024, Advisory Committee only


  • Jan Ainali - Advisory Committee
  • Martin Magdinier - Project Manager
  • Esther M. Jackson - Advisory Committee



We received 101 answers so far. Martin is planning an email blitz in the first week of September.


The group discussed the Wikimedia Community Fund: - see thread Grant Opportunity: Wikimedia Community Fund:

  • Martin pointed out that we could build the application based on Sandra report next step for the Wikimedia Commons train the trainer grant. Jan and Esther agree.
  • Creation of an OpenRefine Wikimedian liaison role, doing active outreach, answering Wikimedia related questions,s and escalating bug reports and issue
  • We could ask for funds to attend conferences to represent OpenRefine (Wikimedia, Wikidata, GLAM Wiki Conference, OpenRefine Barcamp)
  • We cannot request funds for technical development like:
    • Not fixing bug
    • Not addressing Lexeme or other feature request.
    • Wikibase reconciliation endpoint
  • Some of those activities (liaison, conference support) are described in the EOSS-6 grant. We can adapt part of the application for the Wikimedia Community Found.
  • Jan and Esther mentioned that the grant may cover improving open knowledge at large, as long it is tied to wiki-related activities. We need to build trust with the grantor to get regular financing over time
  • Esther indicated that we should propose measurable activities that we can report back on.
  • North American committees fund activities mostly in North America.
  • Martin will validate the approach described above in the September 3rd call.

The NGI Zero

  • Should we use it to fund another barcamp?
  • That would be an easy application by reusing information from the 2024 event.
  • Our 2024 barcamp budget falls within the budget available from the NGI Zero grant.

Martin sent the EOSS-5 no-cost extension request.


Most of the conversation regarding governance happened in the a call with Danielle Robinson from CS&S the following hours. We will publish the minutes separately.

The group reviewed the updated proposal from Vivra and found it did not cover what we needed.

Esther asked:

  • What are essential activities
  • How do we pay for the project manager. Who seek funding for it?


With the ongoing governance conversation, the group discussed how to approach hiring a developer to replace Antonin. All feel that we cannot start the process without a buy-in from the community.
Jan suggested using the lazy consent approach to validate the project needs for this role. Once we have the buy-in from the community, we can create a Working Group for the hiring process.

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