Export a project as "Clipboard"

Hi. I am searching for an export as "clipboard". I can't see it, is it available? I think it is a quick way to export your data without saving them in a file. Am I right? Thanks, Fabio

That's an interesting idea, I don't think we offer that indeed!
In which format would you need the data to be? Intuitively, this could be offered to all text-based formats, so it's not clear to me what the UI for it should look like.

One interesting use case would be to make sure pasting the data in spreadsheet tools like Excel or LibreOffice Calc would preserve the tabular structure (just like this is currently the case when pasting from Excel into OpenRefine's clipboard import, I think).

Hi Antonin. Thanks for your response. Yes, I am interested in a data export all text based format. I am thinking to the opposite action of import to Clipboard in OR. In this way it is not required to save data in your file system. Thanks again, Fabio

In which format would you need the data to be? Intuitively, this could be offered to all text-based formats, so it's not clear to me what the UI for it should look like.

The Custom Tabular Exporter download preview button offers something which is very close to this showing the first 10 lines of the download in a new browser tab.


Hi! I too had the same question a few years back. If I’m not mistaken, it was Thad who suggested tweaking the Custom Tabular Exporter dialog script:
In version 3.8-beta5 the number of lines are hardcoded in line 308

if (preview) {
options.limit = 10;

Adjust the limit based on the size of your project. For instance, you could change the limit to 10000. However, I'm not sure what's the max number of rows a browser can handle.