I would like to reconcile my data with data exposed through a sparql endpoint service (databnf). I tryed the grefine-rdf-extension but doesn’t seem to work. I use the 3.6.2 of OpenRefine and 1.4.0 of grefine-rdf-extension
I’ve installed the extension and it’s displayed on the OpenRefine interface, so I suppose the installation worked well, but the connection to the sparql endpoint doesn’t seem to work. I have the following message when I try to access the service from the reconciliation window.
HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found
Not Found
Did somebody managed to make this extension work or have another solution for reconciling data against SPARQL endpoints?
Thank for any hint
the result apears on the next window (french interface, so the message is in French, hope it’s ok) with the following message : “Désolé, aucun type n’a pu être identifié pour vos données. Merci de l’indiquer ci-dessous.” ("Sorry, no type could be identified for your data. Please indicate this below.),
and when I click on “Accès au service de l’API” (up-right corner), I land on the 404 error message I cited above.
Certanly, I missed something, but I don’t know where to look.
yes, you’re right. When choosing the type, we must activate the checkbox “Réconcilier sans type particulier”. Now the service works.
thank you so much.