OpenRefine community meetup

This thread lists occurrences of a regular video call for the OpenRefine community. It happens every two weeks on alternating times:

  • 07:00 UTC on Friday
  • 15:00 UTC on Tuesday

You can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the link to the call) in this calendar. You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.

Everybody is welcome to chat about OpenRefine, ask questions, share things they do with OpenRefine, ask questions about developing the tool, and anything else related to the project. I try to attend each call.

Interested attendees are encouraged to announce in this thread what they want to share in the coming meetup, so that we have an idea of what to expect, but it's not required.

This meetup is a follow-up to the previous "contributor meetups", making it explicitly open to people who don't identify as "contributors", but as users or are simply curious.

The first occurrence will be
On: 2024-03-01T07:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-03-01 at 07:00 UTC)

Looking forward to seeing many of you there!


A new meetup is coming up!

On: 2024-03-12T15:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-03-12 at 15:00 UTC)

This week I propose to try get users and Google Summer of Code applicants to meet.
Do you have a very annoying bug you would like to get solved? That would be a great opportunity to pitch it to applicants, who might be able to solve it!

Our meetup is happening again this week.

On: 2024-03-29T07:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-03-29 at 07:00 UTC)

The previous meetup had a nice turnout and the format worked well, so I propose to do the same this week: try get users and Google Summer of Code applicants to meet (with the expectation that this different time slot will cater for participants from other parts of the world).

Users: Do you have a very annoying bug you would like to get solved? That would be a great opportunity to pitch it to applicants, who might be able to solve it!

GSoC applicants: Do you want to understand better who uses OpenRefine and what they need? That's the purpose of this call :slight_smile:


Our meetup is happening again today.

On: 2024-04-09T14:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-04-09 at 14:00 UTC)

There is no agenda for this one, this is just an "office hour" where you can come with any problems or ideas you have and we talk about it.

Ooops, I missed this community meetup :slightly_frowning_face:

Another meetup this week!

On: 2024-04-26T06:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-04-26 at 06:00 UTC)

This time, I propose to brainstorm around session proposals for the BarCamp. Have a look at the current session proposals - surely we can come up with more interesting activites for a room packed with OpenRefine enthusiasts?

Just missed! Anything interesting happen? Quick paragraph summary of todays 4/26 meeting?

Here's a summary: I tried encouraging @Antoine2711 to propose a session but he was mostly caught up in figuring logistics to attend the barcamp. @Gnoeee joined too but could not stay because of technical issues.

Reminder: You can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the link to the call) in this calendar. You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.

The next meeting is due on May 7, but I'll be on holidays then, so I would propose to drop it unless anyone would like to step in to facilitate that one.

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I can facilitate the May 8 call.


We have another meetup tomorrow:

On: 2024-05-24T06:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-05-24 at 06:00 UTC)

This will be an "office hour": a place where you can come and ask any question or share any problem you have with OpenRefine and I try to help you.

As a reminder, you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the link to the call) in this calendar. You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.

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Will be there... screensharing and asking for a bit of help to put the final touches on the Groovy expression language extension. (How did Java get so complicated over the years!?!? my word.)

Hello, tomorrow, on May 28th, I will host a special office hours session to review and finalize the structure of the bi-yearly user survey. All the details are below. Looking forward to seeing you there.

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We have another office hour tomorrow:

On: 2024-06-04T14:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-06-04 at 14:00 UTC)

This will be an "office hour": a place where you can come and ask any question or share any problem you have with OpenRefine and I try to help you.

As a reminder, you can see all the occurrences of this meeting (including the link to the call) in this calendar. You can also subscribe to it as an iCal / ICS calendar, with this URL.

I propose to cancel the meetup on 21st June as it will be happening just after the BarCamp. I invite anyone interested in participating in the meetup to participate to the BarCamp instead.

We have another meetup today:

On: 2024-07-02T14:00:00Z (on the forum this date should be displayed in your own timezone, otherwise it is 2024-07-02 at 14:00 UTC)

As I am reducing my activity on OpenRefine this summer, I propose to stop this meeting series after this occurrence. Therefore today's topic could be:

  • What could make them more useful?
  • Would anyone like to take over the facilitator hat for them?
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The calendar is empty, so... no meetup on August 16?

@ostephens can you also please delete (or if we really want to - archive) the old dead thread OpenRefine contributors' meetup - Community / Meetups - OpenRefine

I've archived this for now


Thad will host the Community Meeting today at


Online at :


  1. Demo of new OpenRefine Launcher
  2. open agenda
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I am hosting the Community meeting today (now).

  • Happy to demo the OpenRefine launcher.
  • Open Agenda of topics.

Meeting link:
Open Refine Community Meetup | Jitsi Meet (

It's great that you keep organizing those @thadguidry! I don't know if people showed up, but I would be more likely to attend if they were announced more in advance.

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