Open refine fresh install with jdk 11 hangs after start. Can you help me to understand why?
ubuntu@ip-172-31-14-218:~/openrefine-3.8.1$ ./refine -p 3333 -i -m 6000M -d /home/ubuntu/openrefine-data/
Using refine.ini for configuration
You have 189290M of free memory.
Your current configuration is set to use 6000M of memory.
OpenRefine can run better when given more memory. Read our FAQ on how to allocate more memory here:
10:06:01.313 [ refine_server] Starting Server bound to '' (0ms)
10:06:01.321 [ refine_server] refine.memory size: 6000M JVM Max heap: 6291456000 bytes (7ms)
10:06:01.352 [ refine_server] Initializing context: '/' from '/home/ubuntu/openrefine-3.8.1/webapp' (30ms)
10:06:01.392 [..pse.jetty.server.Server] jetty-10.0.16; built: 2023-08-25T19:11:25.422Z; git: a2735a9ae9d1afc124974253f1e223e5678be1f4; jvm 11.0.23+9-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu1 (40ms)
10:06:01.746 [..dardDescriptorProcessor] NO JSP Support for /, did not find org.eclipse.jetty.jsp.JettyJspServlet (353ms)
10:06:01.753 [..DefaultSessionIdManager] Session workerName=node0 (7ms)
10:06:01.773 [...handler.ContextHandler] Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@2b5cb9b2{OpenRefine,/,file:///home/ubuntu/openrefine-3.8.1/webapp/,AVAILABLE}{/home/ubuntu/openrefine-3.8.1/webapp} (19ms)