Wikidata : How to upload multiples instances of a statement to a same item?

Hi! I would like to add multiple winners by year of a litterary prize and wondering how to structure my Excel sheet.

Like Q37922 Nobel Prize of Literature, within the property "Winner (P1346)" there's different instances of the name of the winners and "Point in time" as qualifier.

I've tried this,
Title of the prize (Titre) | Name of the Winner 1 (Lauréat) | Year of winning (Date Lauréat) | Work
Title of the prize (Titre) | Name of the Winner 2 (Lauréat) | Year of winning (Date Lauréat) | Work
Title of the prize (Titre) | Name of the Winner 3 (Lauréat) | Year of winning (Date Lauréat) | Work
*Title of the prize (Titre) is the same

with this schema :

But I get the following error message :

vainqueur (P1346) added more than once on the same item.

This property is expected to be used at most once on each item but has been added multiple times on the same item

The example is in French.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Wikidata does not allow multiply P1346 statements on the same item if they do not have certain "separator" qualifiers. In your case I guess you are missing P585 (point in time)?

I do have "Point in time" ("Date" in the schema) as a qualifier for each winner...

So this is how my excel sheet is structured.
"Titre" is the name of the prize
"Lauréat pour Wikidata" are the names of the winners
"Date lauréat" are the years they win
"Titre lauréat" are the work they win with

Update : OpenRefine just uploaded the winners like specified in the schema this morning after another try!
I still don't understand why it didn't work yesterday, but at least it worked this time!

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