Connecting and Reconciling with a Wikibase instance

Hi, I'm a user with a local instance of wikibase.

I have installed the wikibase instance using the docker image pipeline distributed by Wikimedia Germany and I am currently working on enabling the upload of my datas via openrefine.

For that, I created an entpoint using the interface OpenRefine Wikibase NFDI4Culture / TA1 data enrichment / OpenRefine Wikibase · GitLab
and generated a manifest, but the problem is that when I connect with my local wikibase instance, I get follwing error:

Guess Types query failed error : HTTP error 403 : for URL /en/api

The manifest used is as follows:

    "version": "2.0",
    "mediawiki": {
      "name": "Ordi",
      "root": "https://localhost:3030/wiki/",
      "main_page": "https://localhost:3030/wiki/Main_Page",
      "api": "https://localhost:3030/w/api.php"
    "wikibase": {
      "site_iri": "https://localhost:3030/entity/",
      "maxlag": 5,
      "max_edits_per_minute": 60,
      "tag": "openrefine-${version}",
      "properties": {
        "instance_of": "P1",
        "subclass_of": "P2"
      "constraints": {
        "property_constraint_pid": "P2302",
        "exception_to_constraint_pid": "P2303",
        "constraint_status_pid": "P2316",
        "mandatory_constraint_qid": "Q21502408",
        "suggestion_constraint_qid": "Q62026391",
        "distinct_values_constraint_qid": "Q21502410"
    "oauth": {
      "registration_page": "https://localhost:3030/wiki/Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration/propose"
    "entity_types": {
      "item": {
         "site_iri": "https://localhost:3030/entity/",
         "reconciliation_endpoint": "http://localhost:8000/${lang}/api",
         "mediawiki_api": "https://localhost:3030/w/api.php"
      "property": {
         "site_iri": "https://localhost:3030/entity/",
         "mediawiki_api": "https://localhost:3030/w/api.php"
      "mediainfo": {
         "site_iri": "https://localhost:3030/entity/",
         "reconciliation_endpoint": "http://localhost:8000/${lang}/api"
    "editgroups": {
      "url_schema": "([[:toollabs:editgroups-commons/b/OR/${batch_id}|details]])"

Any help would be appreciated.