Error generating parser UI initialization data for XML file


I'm trying to load a really big XML file, AAT.xml. This is the very well known Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus. You can download it too.

The file:

$ wc --lines AAT.xml 
23905953 AAT.xml
$ wc --chars AAT.xml 
904373344 AAT.xml

I'm running Fedora Linux 38 and launched OR v 3.7.5 set to 10Gb of memory. When loading the file the application stops here:

and the log outputs:

15:47:08.323 [                   refine] POST /command/core/get-importing-job-status (1000ms)
15:47:09.326 [                   refine] POST /command/core/get-importing-job-status (1003ms)
15:47:10.323 [                   refine] POST /command/core/get-importing-job-status (997ms)
15:47:10.387 [                   refine] GET /command/core/get-csrf-token (64ms)
15:47:10.404 [                   refine] POST /command/core/importing-controller (17ms)
15:47:10.408 [..e.importers.XmlImporter] Error generating parser UI initialization data for XML file (4ms)

I checked the file with xmllint, but I think there is no XML structural problem:

$ xmllint --nonet --noout   AAT.xml 
AAT.xml:1: namespace error : Namespace prefix xsi for noNamespaceSchemaLocation on Vocabulary is not defined
AAT/AATGetSubject.xsd" Title="Art & Architecture Thesaurus" Date="2022-6-23"

Tried with 20Gb memory too with same results.

Any idea of what is happening?

This doesn't have anything to do with memory or the size of the file.