Faceting error? over 10 facets: too many to display

Has anyone run into a similar problem? Since getting my Macbook Pro M2, or updating to whichever version of OpenRefine was the latest in septembre, faceting is caped to 10 facets, a very low (!) number over which I get the message: "too many to display". Previous M1 could handle 500 facets, and in all the years I have used OR, it never occured that 11 facets would be "too many".

updating to whichever version of OpenRefine was the latest in septembre

You can find the version number in the bottom left corner of OpenRefine's home page.

I get the message: "too many to display". Previous M1 could handle 500 facets, and in all the years I have used OR, it never occured that 11 facets would be "too many".

That sounds unusual. What is the exact wording of the error and where does it appear?


Hi Tom, thank you for the rapid response.

The version I’ve updated to in September I don’t remember, but I am using the latest right now, 3.8.1.

The message is the usual one for too many facets:
choices total, too many to display

X being 11, 23, 79, any number over 10 really.

I get the same result in Chrome, Opera, Safari.

If it's facet choices that it's complaining about, I'm guessing that somehow your preference setting for this limit got reset. It starts at something like 5000 and can be increased from there, but perhaps yours got accidentally lowered.

Directly beneath the error message there should be a link which says "Set choice limit". If you click that, you can enter a new value.

If for some reason that link doesn't work, you can also change it from the preferences page -

Don't set it to too huge a value though. It's there to keep you from shooting yourself in the foot if you work with unexpectedly messy data set.


Great, I just fixed it. Thank you!

Indeed, the preference page showed a limit of 10. However, it is worth mentioning that if I check the link "Set choice limit", the value there was 1,000.

When you click the "Set choice limit" link it is actually prompting you to set a new limit - and it always suggests the nearest whole thousand above the number of facet choices that would be needed to successfully display the facet you are trying to create. So in this case it would show 1000 for any facet that had >10 and <1000 choices. You have to click "OK" to then accept this number as your new limit

I see!
Thank you Owen for the explanation.