July 25th, 2024, Advisory Committee only


  • Antonin Delpeuch - Advisory Committee
  • Jan Ainali - Advisory Committee
  • Esther M. Jackson - Advisory Committee
  • Martin Magdinier - Project Manager


Apple Certificate

Relates to OpenRefine 3.8.2 Mac Application Not Notarized Correctly · Issue #6713 · OpenRefine/OpenRefine · GitHub

  • CS&S employees who were on the account have left, so we don’t have access to the Apple Team to sign the new terms of service, which would allow us to keep signing OpenRefine releases for MacOS.
  • We are waiting for further action from CS&S on this.
  • Martin will follow up with CS&S.


  • Hand-off meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 26. Esther and Martin are participating. Antonin is not.


  • Martin shared an updated version of the survey on the Drafting the 2024 User Survey
  • Martin expects from the meeting tomorrow to determine if BoCoup wants to add any questions to the survey.
  • Martin wants to wait for more feedback about the survey on the forum before posting it.
  • Plans to leave the survey open for quite some time (2 months?) to have many responses.
  • To advertise the survey via OpenRefine notifications, we need to change a file on the website's repository. Martin will open an issue about that on the website's repository.

Antonin Transition

After last week's meeting, we have reviewed the transition plan for the various tasks that Antonin is involved in, and we have outlined the actions and ownership we anticipate for the upcoming months. This document is still in draft form and will serve as the basis for sharing the plan with the community.

Task Summer ‘24 Fall ‘24 Winter ‘25
maintain the OpenRefine GitHub repository, Same as previously: reviewed by the community. Antonin leaving more time for others to answer Antonin, depending on how the community is stepping up. We need to improve our governance and developer pathways (see below) Antonin ? + New Hire
triage tickets, Same as previously: reviewed by the community. Antonin leaving more time for others to answer. Antonin, depending on how the community is stepping up to be determined based on the hiring process
review pull requests, Same as previously: reviewed by the community. Antonin leaving more time for others to answer. Antonin, depending on how the community is stepping up to be determined based on the hiring process
publish releases, Tom for 3.9 to release this summer. Tom didn’t commit to staying a long-term release manager. He prefers that this process be shared with someone else. Antonin? to be determined based on the hiring process
respond to security advisories, Likely accessible to github “owners” at the moment (active in this area so far: Tom, Antonin) Same + refined by governance changes? to be determined based on the hiring process
participate in internship programs. Antonin to work with Zyad. No internship to be determined based on the hiring process
perform some bug fixes and light new feature development Community only.
Community call Martin to revisit the format of the call and center the conversation around governance of the dev team.
EOSS-5 * Antonin stop development
* Community review PR open so far
* Request No Cost Extension (see below)
Antonin resumes development Antonin finishes development
Hiring Job posting (see below) Interview + Proposal

Governances and developer pathways.

Antonin stressed the need to improve the governance regarding roles and responsibilities, including clarifying roles and how you gain access to it. See Improving the onboarding process for new contributors

EOSS-5 no cost extension request:

We will structure the no cost extension narrative by

  • Explaining what worked and what didn’t (what was developed on the 4.x branch and what is back ported, what will not be backported).
  • Adding a link to Antonin forum post to suggest next steps.
  • For reference the initial from January 2023 Work plan for the reproducibility improvements project

Hiring a maintainer

  • Tom is happy to participate in interviews (from Martin's conversation with Tom at the CZI conference in June).
  • Martin will create a Google doc for people to collaborate on the job posting and create a post on the forum.

Meeting Minutes

The group discussed how we can improve how we shares minutes including the level of details and delay to publish the minutes.

  • Keeping last week minutes at a high level
  • The group agreed to take a few minutes at the end of the call to review the minutes and clean them up so they can be shared after the call. Currently, Martin is preparing the minutes and asking the group to review and approve them.
  • Minutes vs Communication - those are two different things.
  • We will prepare a separate blog post to announce Antonin's transition and indicate how the community can help based on the table above with links to the conversations regarding EOSS-5, hiring, and documenting governance.
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3 posts were split to a new topic: Improving Transparency: Advisory Committee's Role and Community Involvement