Hello together, I’m trying to use Open Refine 3.9.0 with extension OSM-Extractor, but the extension is not running. Is anyone working with this extension and OpenRefine 3.9, if yes, how did you get it running ? Appreciate any reply. Regards Kcim
Indeed the OSM extraction and connexion is really welcome.
Welcome @kcim on the forum!
The OSM extension was released 3 years ago and has not been updated. You can try it with OpenRefine 3.5.2.
I am also curious to learn more about your plans to use OpenRefine in conjunction with OpenStreetMap.
@Martin, thanks for the reply.
i get it running indeed with 3.5.0, but I am not sure if datas from the addressed servers are correct & up to date. I have also problems, using both versions, 3.5 and 3.9. with some errors due to Java.
Nevertheless, I found a way via OSM Data extraction with PostgreSQL/Postgis/QGIS and run reconciliation against "reconcile-csv" server. A very labourious and time consuming way, but ok.
Regrads Ewald
The version of OpenRefine you are using and the data you are retrieving from OpenStreetMap (OSM) are two separate things. Even an older version of OpenRefine can still access the latest data from OSM.
Please feel free to share the Java error you are encountering, along with details about your operating system.