As announced in Wikimedia-OpenRefine training and sustainability project, OpenRefine has been funded for a training trajectory for the Wikimedia community in using OpenRefine to contribute media files to Wikimedia Commons.
Info about this project has been added to OpenRefine's wiki page on funded projects.
I will co-ordinate the training part of this grant. This work will be mostly dormant until end 2023 because I am working full-time on other things until that time (this has been OK'd by the funder). Before November 2023 you can expect to see the following preparatory work:
- Research and statistics to better understand current use of OpenRefine's Commons features.
- Survey for current users with needs assessment re: training needs and prioritization of desired software improvements.
- A call for participants in the 'train the trainers' trajectory.
From November 2023, I expect that trainings and improvements to documentation will fully take off.