June 20th, 2024, Advisory Committee only


  • Jan Ainali - Advisory Committee
  • Esther M. Jackson - Advisory Committee

Post Barcamp meeting, the rest of the committee traveled. There was no call on June 13th, 2024.



  • Martin to let people know how to get reimbursed
  • Could we have forum posts (can be very brief) that summarize each of the sessions? Doesn’t have to be comprehensive, just to capture the basics of the session plus all of the action items. (Summary + link to pad notes + list of actions for reference)
    • Collecting all of the action items that came out of the meeting
    • How to do this? Ask in the Telegram group? Ask each note taker for each session to write something up and fill in gaps for those who aren’t able to do so?
  • Final report about the barcamp - for forum/community and funder(s)
    • Number of attendees
    • Countries represented
    • Disciplines represented
    • Organizations represented
    • Location
    • Budget
    • Format of meeting
  • Preparing a post event survey.


We want to share the presentation and recording presenting the budget. This was done in OpenRefine 2024 Barcamp: Presentation of OpenRefine status


Esther and Jan listed potential funding sources.

4Memory Incubator fund

Kavli Foundation

Sloan Foundation

Wellcome Trust


  • After the Barcamp Antonin and Martin met with Elio Qoshi from ura.design. He is interested in discussing how we can partner to work with the OTF fund. He mentioned we could have applied to the OTF fund using the open intelligence and FOI angle.


  • Need to follow up with them

Mellon Foundation

Wikimedia Foundation

  • They do not have a general technology fund. Funding is region-based (Esther is on the North America funding committee.)
  • Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/General Support Fund - Meta
  • The budget for 2025 is expected to grow slightly for North America, so it is 100% worth it to reach out to the program officer. Unlikely (but technically possible) to cover our full operating expenses for 2025 with these funds, if the developer works on wiki-related projects full time or most of the time. However, the committee is more favorable to requests that are not for an org’s full operating budget.
  • Funds are unrestricted.
  • Required step: Contact the Regional Program Officer (Chris Shilling for NA) as you start to think about your application. They will help to understand what round to apply for and will support you in the process.